Spirit Forged By Fire

Direct Wood-fired

A journey to create the first modern Scotch distilled by direct fire. A completely hands-on process.

Whisky Hearth

Where heart meets earth. From the most avid whisky geek to the gin drinker, to the curious by-stander, we encourage you to explore our hands-on process.


Using a variety of energy sources to feed our distillery, we aim to be self-sufficient by 2030. We also are working towards a zero-waste process, from the materials that arrive at our doorstep, to our products we send out into the world.

What it means to be Wood-Fired

After experiencing the warm, supportive embrace of the community we came to raise our family in, we wanted to extend this not only in return to our local people, but all those who come to visit this amazing place. How can people come together in ease?

We believe it’s life at its most basic: a warm fire, food and drink made from the heart, and a place to share that experience. This is what we call the hearth. A lifeforce to bring people together. Whether through our whisky, our gin, our process or our place, we are glad to welcome you.

Lena Up Close

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